Are you stuck in a "rest" rut?
Over the past few weeks I haven’t been writing as much because I’ve been struggling. Sleepless nights, sickness, anxiety, lots of tears and fears about the future…
Realizing your dreams and going after them is freaking hard! I can see why so many people don't ever do it. Anything is possible. Everything is uncertain. And it can be completely paralyzing.
If you’ve been reading these newsletters you know that this ‘season of winter’ in my business/creativity has been lingering for a while now.
I’ve tried allllll the things to cope with the lull. I went to therapy. Meditated. Read books on Buddhist teachings. Ignored my feelings. Slept. Got off the grid on climbing trips. Let myself cry. Released all expectations.
It was great. But then I got stuck in a "rest" rut.
This morning I rolled over, grabbed my phone, and laid there for a good hour just going through social media, email, and articles.
And that’s when it hit me.
This isn’t really rest.
Staying up til 1 watching Grey’s Anatomy, addictively checking social media in bed, binge eating sweets, not exercising… that isn’t rest.
That’s laziness. That’s the opposite of self-care.
I’m all for real rest. For embracing your ‘winter season’. There is nothing wrong with feeling sad or depressed or anxious. Sometimes you need to cry. Sometimes you need to lie in bed for a week.
I’m not advocating judgement or for you to be harsh on yourself. Never ever. Always be gentle. But you've also just gotta be straight-up real sometimes.
Sometimes you need to (lovingly) pull yourself out of bed. Sometimes you need to deactivate your Facebook account (because it’s for your own good). Sometimes work is going to feel like work (and that’s okay).
Realize when you’re past the point of needing rest. Is rest really what you need right now? Are you just perpetuating your own paralysis through fake "resting"?
If you’re feeling this, just take your soul by the hand and say..
Today is the day. It’s time to get up. It’s time to try again. You can do this. I believe in you. [tweet]
Today is the day, friends. I believe in you. And thank you for always believing in me, too.