I'm writing this in my robe, face unwashed, with a bottomless cup of coffee by my side after a very late night (and 17-hour day) putting finishing touches to my new site and new shop (!) At Wild Studio!
After much procrastination I am thrilled to share this with you. I've wanted to create a separate shop for my art and creative experiments for as long as I can remember, and now it's finally here.
What You Need to Know:
- All prints, art, digital goods, etc. are still available over on atwildstudio.com.
- Nothing has changed as far as shipping, taxes, or fulfillment.
- There are lots of new prints available, including a few collages!
Like everything else in business and life, I'm approaching At Wild Studio as an experiment. I'd love to one day make this a collaborative project with other artists and include more functional art (stuff you'll actually use, not just look at), but this is the first step. And progress takes time. There is no substitute for dedication and time.
Thank you to everyone who has supported and encouraged me for the past few years. I am truly grateful!